Thursday, March 7, 2024

My Bone Broth Recipe - Most Affordable and Great Quality Collagen!

This is the most affordable way I know to get good quality collagen - Chicken feet + beef bones Bone Broth!

This will be good for your skin, bones and hair. For me, its for my psoriasis and for anti-aging and health benefits. This will also help with your musculo-skeletal system: improve flexibility, joint health, body recovery, cartilege health, many benefits...


1 Pressure cooker full of water
1 kilo Chicken Feet
1/2 kilo beef bones

Thursday, January 4, 2024

How to Make Your Resolutions Work!

As the new year dawns upon us, many of us find ourselves eager to embrace change and set resolutions to better our lives. However, the challenge lies not in making resolutions, but in making them work. In this guide, we'll explore practical strategies to help you turn your resolutions into lasting habits.

Write Down and Set Realistic Goals

The first step to making your resolutions work is setting realistic and achievable goals. Avoid setting vague or overly ambitious resolutions that may lead to frustration. Instead, break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. For example, if your resolution is to get fit, start with a specific exercise routine or a realistic weight loss target.


Make Valuable and Worthwhile Goals

To say the least - Your goals should inspire you. That, when you imagine their accomplishment, you'd have a very powerful feeling of happiness and fulfillment. More often than not, these goals will be to the benefit of others, like: a house for the whole family, a vacation for a spouse/partner, making a significant contribution to a worthy cause.


RESOLVE to Make It Happen, Make a SOLID COMMITMENT to Achievement

This is actually the most important step. It is the matter of Mind-Set. Making your mind up and DECIDING to be consistent, persistent and to do whatever it takes to reach the goal. 


It is making a sincere promise, a covenant with yourself, and to keep that promise despite the challenges and difficulties. It is the commitment to ditch the excuses and to be fully accountable and responsible for the achievement of a treasured goal. You may come up with the grandest and most inspiring goals, but if you don't do what you need to do, whatever it takes; or you don't see it through til the end, it will just only be a dream.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Its 2024! 

Let's make this year our Breakthrough Year!

Here is what I will do this 2024:

1. Regular Blog Content/posts

2. Consistent Social Media Presence - FB, Tiktok, IG, X.

3. Bring out better content that is more aligned and more impactful.

4. Get TV shows on the road!

First blog post to come out soon: 

How to Make Your Resolutions Work!

Thursday, August 3, 2023

WHY BEING POOR SUCKS: Understanding the Harsh Realities of Financial Lack

With the recent global crises, crashing economies and companies, runaway inflation, and difficulties in doing business, more and more people are being forced to go below the "poverty line". And in a world characterized by socio-economic disparities, being poor can have devastating consequences on one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. While some may romanticize poverty, the stark reality is that living in poverty can be a challenging and unforgiving experience, causing much suffering to a large majority of human beings in this world of ours. In this post, we aim to shed light on the reasons why being poor "sucks" and the urgent need for our society to address this pressing issue.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

First Book on Amazon: "Let God Rule Your Day"

 Now available on Amazon! Click here to get yourself a copy!

"Let God Rule Your Day" is my first published book on Amazon. Here is the Description:


Finding tranquility and a sense of direction can frequently seem like an elusive pursuit in our hectic and fast-paced world. What if, however, there was a way to experience a profound sense of peace and purpose every single day? "Let God Rule Your Day" is a transformative book that challenges you to go on a journey of surrender and discover the profound impact of allowing God to take control of your life.

This enlightening book will show you the value of letting go of control, acknowledging God's sovereignty, and beginning each day with focused prayer. Learn the delight of relying on God through trials and remaining steadfast in the face of temptations and diversions. Discover the truth about God's purpose for your life and your special place in it. Adopt the transforming discipline of appreciation and discover how to use prayer and discernment to make decisions that are in line with God's will.

"Let God Rule Your Day" offers invaluable advice for people desiring to live a life that honors God with its useful advice and insights. Learn the benefits of self-care and Sabbath rest as you relax in the loving arms of God. This book offers a timely and relevant message for anybody seeking a closer relationship with God and a life that genuinely matters through well-known terms like Christian living, surrender, purpose, and self-care.

"Let God Rule Your Day" is the book you've been looking for if you're ready to live a life full of harmony, meaning, and spiritual guidance. Start living a life of submission now, and with God as your leader, set out on a revolutionary adventure. Watch as He completely transforms every aspect of your life as you let His loving presence govern your days.

Soon To Come, My New Book: Big Pond, Small Pond

Here is the draft intro for my book. Hope you like it. ;)

BIG POND, SMALL POND - Understanding Each Other - Business and Marketing to the Rich and the Poor
- by Tony Agudo 06072023

Chapter I: Introduction

Being in many businesses for the past decades, I have been involved with marketing and selling various products and services, ranging from those affordable and those very expensive (such as real estate). On one particular instance, when I was not having much success with creating interest and sales with what I saw was a great and highly relevant product, a mentor of mine in the business said: "Tony, I know you're such a great marketer, you're good with effectively educating the people about the benefits of our product. But I think you are just fishing in the "wrong pond"... This was the thought that led to the creation of this book. It had started in me the desire to understand the dynamics of the rich and the poor, the "the big fishes" and the "little fishes". I hope that this book helps you, dear reader, to understand and empathize, to take action, and hopefully contribute towards creating a more equitable, empathetic, and happier society.

A. Explanation of the Metaphor: Big Pond (Affluent Market) vs. Small Pond (Poor Individuals)

In this introductory chapter, we lay the foundation for understanding the metaphorical concept of the Big Pond and the Small Pond. The Big Pond represents the "big fish", the affluent market, characterized by individuals with higher purchasing power and access to resources and opportunities for economic gain. Conversely, the Small Pond represents individuals who are economically disadvantaged or living in poverty, facing various challenges due to limited financial means, with little or no access to opportunities and capital.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Is Network Marketing in the Philippines Good Business?

Let's talk about the elephant is the room: "Is Network Marketing Legal? Is it Ethical or Unethical?"

Network Marketing is just a business model. A way to get products from the manufacturer to the end user. Its basically the same as any other business except that it is built upon "word of mouth" - direct selling, and creating a distribution network of individual distributors/members, instead of retail shops and outlets. Yes, it will be a pyramid shaped structure, but heck, everything is a "pyramid" if we will look at the sales and distribution "network" of any big business.

To get it out of the way, these are the local practices and ways that Network Marketing becomes unethical: 1. Product/s is bad. 2. Products are overpriced. 3. Pressure Selling - People practically force their prospects to join by making unrealistic promises. 4. "Kidnap/Budol: - They invite their prospects supposedly to a birthday or party, only to be brought to a sales junket.