Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Taste of Canton: A Journey Through Lili @TheNewcoastHotelMalate

 A Taste of Canton: A Journey Through Lili

EXPTV - Road Trip - Tony Agudo 08.23.2024

There’s a certain magic that happens when you step into a place like Lili Cantonese Restaurant. It’s not just the grand décor, or the buzzing chatter of a packed dining room. No, it’s something deeper, something almost intangible. A vibe that tells you this is where you’re going to have a damn good meal.

Lili’s doesn’t need to scream authenticity; it wears it casually, like an old leather jacket that’s seen a few things. The dim sum here is a testament to that. What struck me was the shrimp, it was fresh, sweet, and firm. It didn’t need to hide behind a veil of heavy sauces, as dimsum from lesser places might. At Lili, the shrimp is allowed to be what it is—pure, unadulterated, and ocean-sweet. You find yourself savoring each bite, almost reluctant to add a drop of soy or dab of chili. It’s dim sum that needs no embellishment, a rare thing in a world obsessed with overkill.

Then there’s the crispy pork. A dish that’s as straightforward as it is satisfying. The skin crackles under your teeth, giving way to tender, well-seasoned meat. It’s the kind of dish that’s done right by being done simply, letting the quality of the ingredients and the skill of the kitchen speak for themselves. And speak they do—clearly and confidently.

The crispy fried chicken at Lili is a homage to traditional style cooking, a nod to the way things used to be done. It’s the kind of dish that feels like it’s been passed down through generations, each bite carrying a piece of history. The chicken is golden, crispy on the outside, and impossibly juicy on the inside—a masterclass in balance and technique.

And let’s not forget the deep-fried prawn and vegetables, wrapped in a salted egg batter that’s nothing short of genius. The batter clings to the prawns and vegetables like a second skin, adding a rich, savory depth to every bite. It’s indulgent without being overwhelming, a perfect example of how texture and flavor can come together to create something truly memorable

But a restaurant isn’t just about the food; it’s about the people who serve it to you. At Lili, the staff doesn’t just go through the motions. They anticipate, they suggest, they engage. There’s a warmth here that feels almost, familial. You get the sense that these folks aren’t just working a job; they’re curating your experience. They’re like a well-rehearsed band, knowing exactly when to play a note and when to let the silence hang.

So, would I recommend Lili? Absolutely. But more than that, I’d call it a place to discover, to explore, to let your curiosity about Cantonese flavors lead you down a path that’s both familiar and new. Lili isn’t just a restaurant; it’s a place where food tells a story, one bite at a time. And trust me, it’s a story worth hearing.

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