Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Why We Chose To Love The Ones Who Cannot Love Us Back...

I just recently saw this article by Brianna Wiest in Soul Anatomy that really resonated with me. It also explained in such a clear way to me my own personal situation that, I feel, her message is helping me a lot with my healing.

Those of you who have been left behind by someone you deeply loved, take comfort in this message and with it, you will also learn acceptance and hopefully, be able to heal and move on. Read on, dear friends...

The Very Important Reason Why We Choose To Love People Who Cannot Love Us Back


The purpose of a relationship is not to be loved perfectly, or forever. It is not to have our every whim and wish met and fulfilled. It is not to be completed, or to have our minds and hearts fueled by the hormonal stimulation we think is the feeling of love. The purpose of a relationship is not the Universe’s way of saying “you’re worthy, and here’s someone to prove it.”

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Last Quarter Setup

Been working on my social network accounts. Getting familiarized with Twitter and brushing up on Facebook marketing.

Will be launching a project soon, so I've been practicing and honing my online skills. Will try to get a few pages of my book done by tomorrow.

My Success Thought for Today:

SUCCESS in not one big and sudden event. It is the culmination of many small things done right. Success doesn't just come to you, you have to plan, build and work towards creating the ideal conditions for success to happen.

Same goes for FAILURE. If you failed to plan, execute, analyze, evolve and persevere, then you create the ideal conditions for failure.
