Saturday, August 31, 2024

Breakfast at Grills and Sizzles: A Morning Ritual of Mine I'd Begrudgingly Share

In a city that never seems to sleep, breakfast is often an afterthought. A quick cup of coffee, a hurried piece of pandesal, maybe a protein mix chugged in one long drink. But there’s a small corner of the world where breakfast is a distinctly pinoy art form, where the first meal of the day is revered, not rushed. That place is Grills and Sizzles, a family-owned gem tucked away at the corner of Examiner and Times streets in Quezon City -  a go-to haven for those who understand that mornings are meant to be savored.

Walking into Grills and Sizzles feels like stepping into someone’s home, and in a way, it is. The cozy, homey ambiance is more than just decor; it’s an invitation to relax, to slow down, to take a moment. The warmth of the wooden furniture, the smell of freshly brewed coffee hanging in the air, the soft hum of conversations—this is where you start your day right.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Taste of Canton: A Journey Through Lili @TheNewcoastHotelMalate

 A Taste of Canton: A Journey Through Lili

EXPTV - Road Trip - Tony Agudo 08.23.2024

There’s a certain magic that happens when you step into a place like Lili Cantonese Restaurant. It’s not just the grand décor, or the buzzing chatter of a packed dining room. No, it’s something deeper, something almost intangible. A vibe that tells you this is where you’re going to have a damn good meal.