Friday, July 23, 2021


1. You'll be a Happier Person
- Ultimately, this is most of our individual goal. It is to live a happy life. With constant self-development, this will be an eventual result of striving to improve yourself and your environment.  

2. Better people skills - Improved relationships - As the saying goes - "No man(or woman) is an island", we cant go through life without having to interact with other people. With self development, we learn to how create a more harmonious way of interaction. We become more socially-aware and socially-competent, leading to more mutually beneficial, productive, and happier relationships.

3. Learn to handle adversity and change - Adaptability, resilience and evolution - You learn to make and view the situation as one happening "for you", instead of "to you". You learn to look for the gift in every situation or challenge.

4. Student of Life - Through continuous observation and introspection (internal thinking), we learn many ways and means on how to live better lives. 

5. Valuable individual - Wholistic Self-development involves learning new kills and knowledge. This makes you a more capable and "useful" person in your community.

6. Better time management - We learn to make the most out of life. Out of the limited time we are given in this world. 

7. Better quality of health and aging - You learn to take care of your body, which is the vessel we are in during our time here. It can be a source of pain and suffering if we neglect to take care of it, or it can be a source of happiness and vitality with proper self-health-care.

8. More Dreams will become reality - More goals will likely be achieved when you are in constant self-development. Living a Good Life is one of the goals of self-development, and the achievement of your dreams is an inseperable part of it.

9. Financial and Career success - All self-development is almost impossible without money. In this "real world" money is the fuel you can use to improve your life and health. It is also a powerful tool in your advocacy to help others or the environment. One cannot give from an "empty cup".

10. Model and inspiration to people - Legacy. By being able to rise from challenges and a disadvantageous background, one can be a great inspiration for others. Look at Manny Pacquiao, a person who have risen from the poorest of the poor to practically a billionaire. His path may be unconventional, so you may look at many inspiring people who are well known to have come from poor beginnings to become such massive models of success.

11. Fulfilled Life - By being able to achieve your dreams and sense of purpose (by serving others).

12. Self - Awareness - is learned throughout your path of constant self-development. By being self-aware, we become better "players of life". We are able to respond better and handle situations in a more mature way. We reduce our being "reactive" and become more and more "pro-active". 

My little trick to this is this - "Practice the Pause" - if something bad happens or if someone says something offensive, instead of immediately reacting by getting angry and saying or doing something hurtful back, learn to push the "pause" button in your mind. DONT REACT. Instead, you may think - what is the best reply to this? One where I would not escalate the situation? How do I handle this? How would Jesus handle this (example for Christians). And something more advanced - How can I react to this in such a way that instead of making it worse, I could turn it into my favor? How can a potential conflict be converted into friendship and cooperation?

13. Better thinker and decision maker - By being more Self-aware and having more knowledge and control of ones self, we naturally become this.

14. Self-Love - In order for us to love others, to love life, we must first learn to love ourselves. How to treat ourselves better. To make decisions and choices that is in the ultimate benefit of our own selves. Like learning to choose healthy, instead of "delicious" foods. Of choosing to sleep rather than stay up all night watching movies.

15. You LIVE your Purpose - Is a natural parallel of self-development. As some wise man said - there are 2 most important event in a man's life, 1, when he is born, and 2, when he finds our the reason why he was born. Self-development will help you find your True Purpose and its achievement. 

16. Not living a life of fear and uncertainty - Fear can be one of the most destructive states of mind. It becomes so when we choose to let it paralyze and discourage us, or we can use fear to motivate us. 

Through self-development we learn to use fear properly and uncertainty is replaced with faith and decisive action.

17. Better relationship with God - Being in this path has made me become a more grateful, God-centric person. I see him as my provider and partner in everything. My relationship with God has helped me through countless personal and external battles. I wholly attribute my favorable life situation with it, where I used to be living in poverty and depression just less than 9 years ago. I can say that I am proof that "FAITH AND GRATITUDE WORKS".

18. Sleep better at night - You are confident that if you suddenly die, you'll be leaving the world a little bit better place. ;)

Hope you liked it! Will be making a video/s on this soon!

- Coach Tony

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